Aliens Daughter

Rania had always known that she was different. She had green hair and only six toes together. Her mum was gorgeous and very attractive. Her dad wasn’t handsome but he was pretty simple looking. Everybody always wondered that how a woman like Ranias mum could have a daughter like her. So Rania was a bit insecure of how she looked. Her self-esteem was very bad. Ranias best friend was Sally. Sally always joked that maybe Rania was adopted. But when Rania asked her mother, she snorted and said that Rania should have better things to do than think something like that.

Once when Rania was coming home from school, a man started to follow her. Rania didn’t mind about that. She kept walking. When she had been walking 15minutes, she noticed that the man was still following her. Rania got scared and she walked much faster. When she was nearly at home, that man grabbed her shoulder and said: ‘How’s my baby girl?’. Rania was confused and she tried to escape but the man was holding her tightly. ‘What baby girl? Who do you think you are?’, Rania almost yelled and tried to bite him. ‘What is the matter with you? Don’t you recognize your own…father?’, the man said mysteriously. ‘My own what’, Rania whispered…

They went to restaurant and Ranias biological dad explained everything. Apparently Rania was a child from forbidden love between alien and Ranias mother. Ranias biological father called Pisces. And when Rania asked, he also had only six toes together. Rania felt immediately connection with him and now she understood why she was different. Pisces showed some pictures and how he really looked like. Rania also found out that she had siblings. Twins called Nakumata and Greeny. Rania was extremely happy and she decided to move to a galaxy called Desert where her dad lives.

When the movingday arrived Rania and her mum promised each other that both of them will think each other every day. When Pisces came to look for Rania, she felt a bit weird and powerless. Suddenly she got a heart attack! Her body resisted so much moving to Desert that her heart exploded.

Well something like that could only happen to aliens daughter…

Lotta Sinkkonen 09c

~ by lqtta on March 6, 2011.

One Response to “Aliens Daughter”

  1. Wow! The end was totally unexpected and shocking! The structure is good and clear but sentences are little bit abrupting because they are quite short. You should probably try longer sentences.
    Your idea is fresh and fun. I especially liked names of Ranias’ siblings. 🙂
    The atmosphere of the story is tensed up and it supports the plot.I really would like to see what happens next because the end came so quickly. Maybe next time then…

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